Spring/Summer Conference 2024
Welcome to episode 5 of our Joie of Dressing Conference series where we introduce our sparkling Étoile collection and welcome Monique Jaksic from World Vision. Monique sits down with Donna for an intimate conversation to discuss their recent trip to Zambia and why World Vision's Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) project is so vital for our current climate crisis. Proceeds from our upcoming nationwide styling event will be donated to this initiative aimed at restoring forests and farmlands. We’re proud to partner with World Vision and thank you for your help in bringing this event to life, where every purchase will make a difference.

Welcome back! This episode is all about event dressing as we look ahead to the festive season— and what better way to celebrate than with our new Etoile collection.
In the lead up to our Styling Event, I also sat down with Monique Jaksic from World Vision to talk to us about the incredible impact the FMNR sustainability project is having on global communities.
I hope this episode inspires both you and our customers to get behind this life-changing initiative!

I hope these episodes inspire you as much as they have inspired us!

Our Joie of Dressing conference is here!
May you find it both inspiring and insightful.
Donna Guest,
Co-founder, CEO and Creative Director.
“This project (FMNR) that Blue Illusion are investing in is not only for the next generation… it’s also about capturing carbon and transforming communities out of extreme poverty right now.”

~ Monique from World Vision joins Donna to discuss their recent trip to Zambia and why the Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) project is so vital for the climate crisis ~
~ Discover our event dressing favourites from our new Étoile collection with Senior Designer Elise and CEO Donna Guest ~
~ Learn about the latest in November accessories with Senior Buyer, Tiffany Chang ~